Monday, January 7, 2013

Setting Goals- The habits I want to change.

There are many habits that I want to change. And for 30 days, I am going to achieve these three goals. I will tell you 'what are the three goals' and 'the steps to achieve these goals'.

Goal 1 : Sleep early/ Sleep at the same time

-Step 1: Finish the assignments quickly
-Step 2: Take a shower quickly
-Step 3: Do not watch dramas with parents at night.

Goal 2: Do not get too upset about my scores

-Step 1: Study hard as much I can
-Step 2: Take a test and don't regret the results
-Step 3: Even though I do not earn the best score, don't cry.

Goal 3: Exercise everyday.

-Step 1: Make an exercise plan
-Step 2: Try to follow the plan
-Step 3: Increase how much time I exercise

So I'm going to try to achieve these three goals for 30 days!!!
I think I might achieve it. Well... In fact, I hope so.
How do you think so? Do you think that I can achieve these goals? 
Please, leave the comments~


  1. If you try hard on your goals I'm sure you will be able to achieve them!!

  2. Hello Sarah I am Ryan, and I am kind of supervised of your goals, but I think you can do anything if you try your best in any goals you make in you life.....

    Try your best..~~~
